In February 2012, The Body Shop released a set of chocolate-themed bath products in time for Valentines Day. The Chocomania body collection includes a heart-shaped soap, shower cream, body scrub, body lotion, body butter, lip butter, and a bag of hearts. Even better still, the Chocomania collection has been integrated into the usual collections and are available all year round. So now I can stock up whenever I want to instead of waiting for a clearance sale, or a special event. According to their website, the products "contain fair trade ingredients like cocoa butter, sugar, honey, coconut oil, and shea to help hydrate and protect dry epidermises". The Body Shop has always been so environmentally conscious so I always feel pleased to buy from them. The Body Shop's previous attempts with chocolate hasn't exactly been appetizing (I'm looking at you, cocoa butter and brazil nut) so I was a little apprehensive about how this collection would turn out. But ...