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The Body Shop Papaya Body Butter review

There was a point in time where I was completely obsessed with The Body Shop. I'd stalk their shops and go to every single sale they held, and come away with bags of products. Body lotions, butters, scrubs, shower gels, they would litter my bathroom and work space. My office colleagues would stop by my desk after lunch and help themselves to hand lotion. And I would love every single one of them, even if I tried them and hated the products.

Now I've grown a tad more sensible, and given away the items I didn't like and kept the ones I do like. And one of them is the Papaya Body Butter.
In Singapore, where the weather is hot all year round and winter never comes, body lotions are not really popular. What more body butters, which are even thicker in consistency than body lotions? Even when i was working in a freezing office, and still was exposed to air-con at home, my skin has never needed anything more richer than a body lotion. Which is why I use my body butter for my feet and elbows, because they are the areas that suffer most of dry and cracked skin (especially my feet, because they are abused by so much walking everyday, and just not enough TLC). So my body butter lasts me a very long time since i don't use a lot of product at every sitting. But I do prefer using this body butter on my feet instead of an ordinary body lotion. It feels as though my feet will benefit more from a body butter than a thin body lotion. It also helps that it is a pleasing scent of papaya present, and it is quite long-lasting too.

What I don't like is that the Papaya Body Butter (and all the other body butters from The Body Shop) come in a round flat container. You will have to dip your fingers into the butter, which I don't think is very hygienic. I never use spatulas, because I don't like the extra step, so this seems like a necessary evil. I do hope that perhaps The Body shop will consider adding a pump feature just like their body lotions.


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